Would ID Verification Reduce Social Media Trolling?

Security and Trolling are the two major subjects on social media in today’s time. Thus Vidsaga has come up with a video to highlight these two in our next hack video for all the marketers.

Preventing Misleading Content

– Facebook implemented new regulations that require advertisers running political ads to have a US-based mailing address.

– As per the ‘Page Publishing Authorization’ program, large Facebook Pages go through a required ID process, in order to confirm their information, which Facebook expanded to personal profiles in May last year

– Instagram also implemented a similar system to provide identification information in case owners of profiles were found to be connected with suspicious behaviour

How does Social Media ID Verification work?

– When opening a new social media account, a verified form of ID is required.

– A person under the age of 18 needs to verify the account with the ID of a parent.


-Linking an identity to each person’s online persona, people will be less emboldened to abuse and attack people online, as there may well be legal consequences for such.

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Vidsaga is a global marketplace for Organisations to create Videos. Consider it as “Upwork/ Fiverr for videos” with Creative script writing and professional project management.

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