This Video Marketer can help your company in creating social media videos at scale.

My job as a video marketer is to help companies use video content to establish brand influence in a saturated market – Says Social Media Video expert Barak Shachnovitz.

Barak is a Gen Z Video Marketer, who knows the rapid change in digital video world and as a marketer keeps pivoting according to market, platform and audiences.

Barak with his business Partner Sivan, started Twoheads consulting (Vidfluence Accelerator) to ease video marketing for marketing teams and entrepreneurs. 

Been lived both in America and Israel, he knows how different cultures respond differently, and the same is with audiences, thus he delivers the right value to different individuals. 

Barak has shared his video marketing expertise. Read on to know what he has to say.  

Q . Tell us about your life journey, Barak ? 

At 15, my family moved from the United States to Israel. The transition was incredibly hard, especially since I did not speak the language or understand the culture. 

But I pushed myself to acclimate and not be disheartened. At 18, I joined the IDF and became a commander. 

Q . What prompted you to get into Video Marketing ? 

I got into video marketing at 21, when I opened a company with my sister, who worked in the field for many years. 

In 2019, videos are the most powerful marketing, sales and communication tool, and I love training companies how to convey their message through engaging videos. 

Q. If you have to define your job as a Video Marketer in a sentence, what would be that ?

If I had to describe my job as a video marketer in one sentence it would be: As a video marketer, my job is to help companies use video content to establish brand influence in a saturated market. 

“Videos being the best way to consume content, yet the way we consume those videos is always changing.

Q. What challenges you face in your work at Two Heads Consulting and what keeps you going?

One of the biggest challenges is raising awareness among bigger companies of how video content has changed. 

Most of the people in the world have become immune to ads, which means that we need to start approaching video differently, and can’t just use it to create commercials and advertisements. 

Many companies don’t understand the importance of creating brand influence, and so it can be hard to work with them. 

But luckily, there are enough companies that love what we do and understand the importance that it makes the challenge worth it. 

Plus, the best feeling is when you create a video and see the impact it has on your audience. That definitely makes it worth it !

If you are also a Video Marketer, and would like to get featured by us, simply send us an email with your work links at team(at)vidsaga(dot)com

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