Rapti Gupta, Content Marketing Head – Instamojo shared her experience of producing Video Content

Making videos will not just make you a confident marketer but will also show you results your bosses will love” – Says Rapti Gupta

Rapti Gupta is Content Marketing Head at Instamojo. She has 3 years of experience at Instamojo and successfully launched many Video Marketing campaigns.

Read on to know more as she shared her learning of successful video campaigns and her life journey with Vidsaga.

1. Tell us about your life journey?

I’ve a story my mother usually loves telling. I’m a Bengali and in our tradition, we have a ceremony for new-borns to celebrate the baby’s abilities to ingest solid food!

During this ceremony, the family places a holy book, a pen, coins/money near the baby. Whatever the baby grabs first, they believe, gives direction to it’s life. In most cases, babies pick coins because they’re shiny – which apparently signifies wealth in the future.

In my case, I picked the pen.

This is very symbolic of my journey as a writer. I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember – in newspapers, journals, school magazines, etc. My parents were pretty cool too. They always encouraged me to pursue my interests. They introduced me to books early on. I remember reading Personality Plus at age 12!

I knew right from the beginning I didn’t want to be a doctor or an engineer, not that they aren’t respectable professions. I wanted to be a spy and write mystery novels.

Not much has changed. Today, I’m a marketer. I lurk on snazzy newsletters and spy on growth hacks. Give me any intel on how to make/design/market a product, newsletter, video etc, and you’re an ally! While I do write blogs, I’m compiling my short horror stories and hope to publish soon.

Please leave me feedback on Twitter (@rapthing)/ Medium 🙏

I started with reporting for International Business Times – on business, American real estate, and entertainment. I found a great mentor in Ms. Bharti Jayshankar. At the end of two years there, she’d grilled “Elements of Style” into me and helped me become a better writer and editor.

A solo-trip and 4 months later, I joined Affimity – a social network startup that wanted to bring like-minded people together but it’s coffers ran dry soon. The experience there was more personal than professional. Affimity didn’t just teach me how to drive social media traffic but also taught me how to take ownership and deal with uncertainty.

Two and a half years later, I joined Instamojo.

2. What prompted you to take up the ‘Content Marketing’ Role at Instamojo?

Two things – I saw an immense opportunity in the product and great talent in the team.

Instamojo is solving some really important problems for a target sector that contributes to over 30% of the country’s GDP. That became pretty evident in the interview.

I met COO Akash Gehani in one round and we discussed everything under the sun – right from the product to Rahul Gandhi on Twitter! My round with CEO Sampad Swain too was super engaging.

There was a lot we could do in the MSME space. Although Sampad thought I talked too much, the founders and I knew immediately I’d fit just right in.

Today when small businesses and sellers appreciate our baby steps to make the internet an easier, safer, place to start, manage, and grow their business – there’s no greater validation.

It’s been 3 wonderful years at Instamojo and we’ve experimented with multiple content pieces since. We started with The Instamojo Blog. Today we have quite a few content pieces that is managed beautifully by my team – Chethna Sathyanarayan & Shivani Balsa.

My Pet Projects

We run a fortnightly newsletter – The SME Wrap – that has over 50,000+ subscribers (all small businesses). We give away free ebooks, adding one new ebook every month!

We hold some really cool webinars on Facebook LIVE where we chat with experts and allow users to ask them anything in these sessions.

We recently also launched mojoVersity – a first-of-its-kind online learning platform that allows businesses to take video courses for FREE in under 1 hour. They can learn and start implementing the gyaan almost immediately!

Our social media campaigns to circle around educating and solving business problems through different formats of content.

For example, when GST launched in India – we put together 2-minute videos to help de-mystify the complex tax structure that had just hit businesses in the country. We launched a social media campaign to promote these videos. 

Our designs played a great impact on the content – thanks to Yatish Asthana! For example, this blog on HSN/SAC codes – the numbers you see on this image are real HSN/SAC codes!


Today we have a team of kickass designers at Instamojo that have helped us build the recent video base at Instamojo.

In our video strategy, customer and employee stories play a crucial role.

A product sells best when a customer sells it for you. With our mojoMakers series, we have been compiling some very inspiring stories of small businesses in every corner of India.

While customers are the commercial face of a company, Instamojo is powered by over 150 talented mojoites that hustle hard and are smarter than the average joe. We started our mojoJourneys series to show off the people that power Instamojo.

Videos have become a crucial part of our content calendar and seemed like a natural progression to all our existing content efforts. More so because we are a product company. Our product tutorials are an all-time hit with our customers.”

Checkout Vidsaga’s Top 25 Video Marketing Disruptors (Globally) in 2019

3. What according to you should a B2B company approach Video Content Marketing?

Do it more and do it often.

Video marketing is not as tough as it seems. You can literally shoot a video on your phone and use a tool to edit it. The resources are freely available – on your laptop, your phone, or on the internet.

Instamojo’s product videos are screen-records that are recorded on Quicktime ( a mac app). They are our most watched videos of all time. 

Here are some actionable tips:

·   Make more tutorial videos. Keep them short, crisp, and cater to your audience’s attention span + pain points

·   Talk to teams across the company – especially customer-facing ones like sales and support to understand what your customers are looking for

·   Work smart. Recycle and convert blogs/eBooks/social creatives into small videos – work great for lead gen

·   Make WhatsApp friendly videos

·   Plug your videos into your product. Show customers the right video at the right time

·   Keep it free (as much as you can) or offer previews for free

·   Use video making tools 

·   Talk to marketers. Attend events. Read about their work, borrow ideas, hell even copy them intelligently! Having a community to learn and share with is supremely useful. (This should probably be on top of this list)

4. What strategic advice you would like to give to newbie Video Marketers?

Video is just another form of content. If you know what to sell, to whom, catch them at the right time and show them what your product/service can do.

Here are 3 tips for beginners:

·       Start. Don’t wait. Your first video may not be perfect but it’s a step forward.

·       Don’t be afraid of feedback – look forward to it and implement the ones you think can make your video better.

·       Work smart – outsource, delegate, recycle, convert. Your time and the customers’ time is important.

Also, your voice will sound just fine on record and your face will look completely okay on camera. Making videos will not just make you a confident marketer but will also show you results your bosses will love. Cheers!

Check out and Subscribe to Instamojo’s YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/instamojo

If you are also a Video Content Expert and would like to get featured by us or would like to join our Video Marketers Community, simply send us an email at team(at)vidsaga(dot)com

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