7 Hacks to set your E-store up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
7 Hacks in which you can set your e-store up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to get the maximum advantage to two biggest sales are:
1.Build distinct Black Friday and Cyber Monday pages on website
2. Optimize site’s images for fast loading time. Try – kraken.io
3. Offer genuine discounts for the right products. Don’t raise the price and apply discount
4. Add a countdown banner for discounts
5 Add special mention of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in product description
6. Add Black Friday and Cyber Monday specific hashtags while sharing on social media
7. Start your email campaign atleast one week in advance.
About Vidsaga
Vidsaga is a global marketplace for Organisations to create Videos. Consider it as “Upwork/ Fiverr for videos” with Creative script writing and professional project management.